Job Interviews

Have a Successful Job Search by Thinking Like a Marketer

If you’re looking for a new job, you might be feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount of advice out there. Do you need to update your CV? Do you need to network like crazy? Do you need to learn new skills? Do you need to sell yourself?

The answer is yes, yes, yes and yes. But not in the way you think.

You see, most of the job search advice you’ll find online is either outdated, irrelevant or downright bullshit. It’s based on assumptions, anecdotes or agendas that have nothing to do with your situation or goals.

So how do you cut through the crap and find the best way to land your dream job?

Know Your Market

The first step to finding a job is to know what kind of job you want and what kind of employer you want to work for. Sounds obvious, right? But you’d be surprised how many people skip this step, and end up applying for anything and everything that vaguely matches their skills and experience.

Instead, you need to do some research and identify your ‘target market’. Who are the employers that offer the kind of work, culture and values that suit you best? What are their needs, challenges and goals? What are their expectations, preferences and criteria for hiring?

You can find this information by browsing their websites, social media accounts, blogs, podcasts, webinars, case studies, annual reports and any other sources of data you can get your hands on. You can also use tools like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Indeed and others to find out more about their current employees, their hiring process, their reviews, ratings, and salary ranges.

Position Yourself

The second step is to position yourself as the ideal candidate for your target market. This means creating a clear and compelling value proposition that showcases your skills, experience and personality in a way that resonates with your potential employers.

Your value proposition should answer three questions:

  • What can you do for them?
  • How are you different from other candidates?
  • Why should they hire you?

To answer these questions, you need to use evidence, not opinions. Don’t just say you’re creative, analytical or strategic. Show it with examples of your past achievements, projects or awards. Don’t just say you’re passionate, curious or adaptable. Demonstrate it with stories of your learning journey, challenges or feedback.

Your value proposition should also be consistent across all your touchpoints. This means updating your CV, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, portfolio and any other materials that showcase your personal brand. It also means aligning your tone of voice, style and image with your target market’s culture and values.

Your value proposition should be simple, memorable and relevant. It should capture the essence of who you are and what you can offer in a few words or sentences. It should make your potential employers want to know more about you and invite you for an interview.

Promote Yourself

The third step to finding a job is to promote yourself. This means reaching out to them through various channels and methods, of course applying for jobs will be a part of this, but you can play with a broader range of tactics than just that.

You can group self promotion tactics into two categories: push and pull.

Push promotion is when you actively contact your potential employers through direct messages, emails, phone calls or with referrals. This can be effective if you have a strong connection or a warm introduction from someone they know and trust.

Pull promotion is when you attract your potential employers through indirect means such as content marketing, social media marketing or personal branding. This can be effective if you have a strong online presence or a reputation as an expert or thought leader in your field. It can also be useful if you want to build awareness and credibility among a wider audience or network.

The key to successful promotion is to balance both push and pull strategies and use them wisely. Don’t spam your potential employers with generic messages or unsolicited pitches. Don’t rely on passive methods like posting updates or sharing articles without engaging with them. Don’t be afraid to follow up or ask for feedback if you don’t hear back from them.

The goal of promotion is to create interest and curiosity in your value proposition and generate leads for interviews.

Persuade Them

The final step to finding a job is to persuade your potential employers to hire you. This means preparing for, and performing well in the interviews, assessments and negotiations that will determine your fate.

The first thing you need to do is to research your potential employers thoroughly and anticipate their questions, concerns and objections. You need to know their pain points, and goals. You need to know their culture, values and personality and how you can fit in with them. You need to know their competitors, challenges and opportunities.

The second thing you need to do is to practice your answers, stories and examples and rehearse them out loud or with a friend or coach. You need to be confident, clear, and concise in your communication so that you can avoid rambling.

After the interview – follow up! Send a thank you note and something to serve as a reminder of your expertise. By breaking the fourth wall of the job interview you come across as more of a ‘real human’ and not just the face of a CV. All going well, you also need to be ready to negotiate on salary and benefits. Making a more personal connection early on will help with this.

The Bottom Line

Finding a great job isn’t easy, but with a proper plan, you can greatly improve your odds of success.


  • Know your market
  • Position yourself
  • Promote yourself
  • Persuade them

Oh, and don’t be afraid to have some fun with it along the way.